
Camber has a built-in engine to run workloads for MESA, a software suite to run experiments in stellar evolution.

import camber.mesa



Executes a MESA job on CamberCloud.


file_dir: str
Supply the file directory containing the MESA inlist files
command: str
The command to execute the MESA job.
Default is ./mk && ./rn
module: str
The module to run simulations (such as star, binary, astero, and so on).
Default is star
sync_mesa_scripts: bool
Whether to sync MESA scripts to the job directory.
Default is True
engine_size: str
The size of the engine. One of XMICRO, MICRO, XXSMALL, XSMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, or LARGE.
Default is XSMALL.
extra_env_vars: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
Extra environment variables to pass to the MESA job
mesa_version: Optional[str]
The MESA version to use.
Default is r23.05.1
tags: Optional[Union[str, List]]
Tags to add to the job.
e.g. ["tag1", "tag2"] or "tag1".


The CamberJob object representing the created job.


Run multiple parallel MESA jobs.

Supply a list of inlist files that contains templating variables. For example

  ! show HR diagram
    HR_win_flag = $HR_WIN_FLAG

  ! set static plot bounds
    HR_logT_min = $HR_LOGT_MIN

Prefix template variables with $. To fill in the template, supply a dictionary of parameters, or param_set, as follows:

param_set = {"HR_WIN_FLAG": ".true.", "HR_LOGT_MIN": 3.5}

When Camber executes this job, it combines the two inputs to generate an actual inlist file used by MESA:

  ! show HR diagram
    HR_win_flag = .true.

  ! set static plot bounds
    HR_logT_min = 3.5

With the same template file, this function provides a way to execute multiple MESA jobs by supplying a param_set list. Each param_set generates a new set of inlist files nested in their param_set or job specific directory. The MESA job executes in this directory. Camber also generates meta.json file in each job directory. This file contains job info alongside the param_set used to template the inlist files.

This means the user creates n jobs from param_sets of length n.


param_sets: List[Dict[str, Any]]
The list of parameter sets
inlist_files: List[str]
The list of inlist files with template parameters
model_files: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]
The list of model files or a single model file to be copied to each job directory.
If a list is provided, it should have the same length as param_sets. Otherwise, the single model will be used for all jobs.
command: str
The command to execute the MESA job.
Default is ./mk && ./rn
module: str
The module to run simulations (such as star, binary, astero, and so on).
Default is star
sync_mesa_scripts: bool
Whether to sync MESA scripts to the job directory.
Default is True
engine_size: str
The size of the engine. One of XMICRO, MICRO, XXSMALL, XSMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, or LARGE.
Default is XSMALL.
extra_env_vars: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
Extra environment variables to pass to the MESA job
mesa_version: Optional[str]
The MESA version to use.
Default is r23.05.1
tags: Optional[Union[str, List]]
Tags to help identify the job. String or list of strings.


The list of CamberJob objects representing the created jobs.


Deletes the MESA based CamberJob from your account. Supply the id of the CamberJob.


job_id: Union[int, str]
The id of the CamberJob to delete


Retrieves the MESA based CamberJob from CamberCloud. Supply the id of the CamberJob.


job_id: Union[int, str]
The id of the CamberJob to retrieve


The retrieved CamberJob object.


Lists all MESA based CamberJobs in CamberCloud. Optionally supply the tags to filter the jobs.


tags: Optional[Union[str, List]]
Tags to filter the jobs.


The list of CamberJob objects.