
Engine is the main class to run scientific jobs on the Camber platform. It has a preconfigured and optimized compute power that Camber users can instantiate at will.

As the preceding diagram shows, users primarily operate on individual notebook file systems. Engines are compute nodes that run specific computational job.

Each engine is designed to run specific codes or frameworks. They each have dependencies and are optimized differently depending on the target workload. Since the engine is mounted on the user file system, any outputs from the jobs also write to this file system.

You can run Camber compute a few lines of code:

from camber.athena import AthenaEngine

# instantiate the desired engine
engine = AthenaEngine(
	mount_dir=".",  # default mount on current working directory

# create the job/workload
job = engine.create_job(command="env | sort")

# check the output of the job

# clean up the job

# reconfigure the engine and run a different job
job = engine.use_size("LARGE").create_job(command="sleep 10")


CamberEngine is the foundation of all engines offered by Camber. Each engine subclasses comes from the CamberEngine class, which carries several universal methods for workflows.


  • engine_type(str): the type of the engine
  • engine_size(str): the size of the engine
  • num_engines(int): the number of engines to use (for MPI)
  • with_gpu(bool): whether GPU is attached to the engine
  • mount_dir(str): the primary mount location of the engine on the notebook file system
  • env_vars(str): environment variables attached to the engine
  • version(str): the version of the engine, applicable to select engines
  • history(CamberJobCollection): all jobs created by the engine object so far



use_size(self, engine_size: str, with_gpu: bool = False)

Configure the engine to be a specific size and, if needed, attach GPU capabilities.


  • engine_size (str): Specifies the size of the engine. Valid options are XMICRO, MICRO, XXSMALL, XSMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE for CPU workloads, and XSMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, XLARGE, and XXLARGE for GPU workloads.
  • with_gpu (bool): Indicates whether to attach GPU capabilities to the engine. Default is False.


  • self: Returns the newly configured engine using the new size.


use_count(self, num_engines: int = 1)

Configure a given number of engines to use for the calculation (MPI).


  • num_engines(int): Specifies the number of engines. This is used primarily for MPI calculations. For optimal multi-engine performance, it is highly recommended that you use an engine size of LARGE or greater when using more than one engine .


  • self: Returns the class commanding the specified number of engines


use_mount(self, mount_dir: str)

Set the directory on the local file system that the engine should mount to for running jobs.


  • mount_dir (str): The directory path on the local file system to be used as the mount point. If you must set a custom mount directory, it is highly recommended to use the relative path in your current working directory. Otherwise, provide the full absolute path.


  • self: Returns the engine instance with the updated mount directory.


use_env_vars(self, env_vars: Dict[str, str])

Set environment variables that can be accessed as the job executes. All subsequent jobs that run on this engine also can use these environment variables.


  • env_vars (Dict[str, str]): A dictionary of environment variable names and their corresponding values to be set.


  • self: Returns the engine instance with the updated environment variables.


use_version(self, version: str)

Specify the version of the engine to use for job execution.


  • version (str): The version of the engine to be used.


  • self: Returns the engine instance configured to use the specified version.


create_job(self, command: str, extra_env_vars: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, extra_file_dirs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, engine_version: Optiona[str] = None, tags: Union[str, List[str]] = None)

Creates a job on the Camber compute platform that runs a provided command.


  • command (str): The shell command to be executed by the job.
  • extra_env_vars (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): Additional environment variables to add to the engine environment.
  • extra_file_dirs (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): Additional directories to be mounted for this job. Keys are the paths on the local file system, and values are the paths within the job environment. Defaults to None.
  • engine_version (Optional[str]): Uses a specific version of engine. Defaults to None.
  • tags (Union[str, List[str]]): Tags to be associated with this job. Can be a single string or a list of strings. Defaults to None.


  • CamberJob: An instance of the CamberJob class representing the created job.


get_job(self, job_id: str)

Retrieve details of an existing job using its job ID.


  • job_id (str): The unique identifier of the job to retrieve.


  • CamberJob: An instance of the CamberJob class representing the retrieved job.


list_jobs(self, tags: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None)

List all jobs created by this engine, optionally filtered by tags.


  • tags (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]): Tags to filter the jobs. Can be a single string or a list of strings. Defaults to None.


  • List[CamberJob]: A list of CamberJob instances that use the same engine type and fit the tag filters, if any.


clear_job(self, job_id: str)

Clear the specified job by its job ID, effectively cleaning up any resources associated with it.


  • job_id (str): The unique identifier of the job to be cleared.


  • None: This method does not return any value.



Clear the job history for the engine, removing all records of previously created jobs.


  • None


This method returns no value.


create_scatter_job(self, params_grid: Dict[str, List[str]])

Creates a set of scatter jobs with the specified dictionary parameter grid. The keys of the dictionary should be the parameter names to create_job, and the values should be lists of values to scatter over. The Cartesian product of all values from all parameters is used to create individual jobs.

For example:

params_grid = {
    "engine_size": ["XSMALL", "SMALL"],
    "engine_type": ["ATHENA", "MESA"],
    "command": ["echo test"],
jobs = CamberJob.general_scatter(params_grid)

# the above is equivalent to creating the following 4 jobs
job1 = CamberJob.create(
		command="echo test"
job2 = CamberJob.create(
		command="echo test"
job3 = CamberJob.create(
		command="echo test"
job4 = CamberJob.create(
		command="echo test"


  • params_grid (Dict[str, List[str]]): A dictionary where keys are the parameter names and values are lists of possible values for those parameters.


  • List[CamberJob]: A list of CamberJob instances representing the scatter jobs created.

Science Engines

As mentioned, the CamberEngine class is the basis for all science engines on the Camber platform. Below are specific engines implemented on and managed by the Camber platform.