Multi-MPI parameter sweeps

Multi-MPI parameter sweeps

You can find this application in the demos folder of your Jupyter notebook environment.

    • athinput.blast
    • mpi_parameter_sweep.ipynb
  • A parallel simulation of four spherical blasts

    A parallel simulation of four spherical blasts. Scroll down for the video.

    In this tutorial, use the create_scatter_job function to run Athena++ code to create parallel MPI simulations of a spherical blast wave.

    Spin-Up MPI cluster, compile, and execute simulation code

    First import Camber:

    import camber

    If needed, clone the Athena repo:

    # working directory is where the notebook is located
    !git clone

    Create an MPI job to compile Athena++. This ensures the code is compiled with the correct MPI environment:

    compile_job = camber.mpi.create_job(
        command="cd athena && python --prob=blast -mpi -hdf5 --hdf5_path=${HDF5_HOME} && make clean && make all -j$(nproc)",
    # check the status of the job

    Define the parameters:

    # The blast problem begins with a central sphere of material with higher pressure than its surroundings.
    # The prat parameter sets the ratio. In this case, four values ranging from a factor of 10 to a factor of 300.
    params = {
        "prat": ["10", "30", "100", "300"]
    # run scatter jobs using MEDIUM engines
    # here we take advantage Athena's functionality for over-writing a parameter in the input file frome the
    # command line as well as the ability to set the runtime directory
    jobs = camber.mpi.create_scatter_job(
        command_template="mpirun -np 16 athena/bin/athena -i athinput.blast problem/prat={prat} -d run{prat}",
    # lets check in on how are jobs are doing
    [CamberJob({"job_id": 7012, "status": "COMPLETED", "engine_size": "MEDIUM", "engine_type": "MPI", "command": "mpirun -np 16 athena/bin/athena -i athinput.blast problem/prat=30 -d run30", "with_gpu": false}),
     CamberJob({"job_id": 7013, "status": "COMPLETED", "engine_size": "MEDIUM", "engine_type": "MPI", "command": "mpirun -np 16 athena/bin/athena -i athinput.blast problem/prat=10 -d run10", "with_gpu": false}),
     CamberJob({"job_id": 7014, "status": "COMPLETED", "engine_size": "MEDIUM", "engine_type": "MPI", "command": "mpirun -np 16 athena/bin/athena -i athinput.blast problem/prat=100 -d run100", "with_gpu": false}),
     CamberJob({"job_id": 7015, "status": "COMPLETED", "engine_size": "MEDIUM", "engine_type": "MPI", "command": "mpirun -np 16 athena/bin/athena -i athinput.blast problem/prat=300 -d run300", "with_gpu": false})]

    Once the jobs are completed, plot the results:

    # Prepare a directory for output images
    !mkdir output_images
    # import a custom script for reading and plotting the hdf5 outputs, placing images in the output_images directory
    # each frame is a 2D slice throught the center of the 3D cartesian grid. This assumes each simulation output
    # is in its own runtime directory. We pass the same params dictionary used above for the scatter job.
    from plot_output import plot_output
    plot_output(params, "prat")
    ### Visualize Data
    from IPython.display import Video
    <IPython.core.display.Video object>